More on EMMA


Managing cancer care is extremely complex, especially for the patient who has just been diagnosed. For a patient to receive the best care possible the patient must get involved in their treatment plan. To add to your treatment in a positive manner can be a difficult task especially when trying to decipher the vast medical landscape that is cancer care. The goal of Emma is to provide a user-friendly, AI-based, interface to be your own personal assistant, making sure your treatment stays on track.  

GoodLabs sets out to develop a natural language-based application that can follow a patient’s progression through their cancer care journey. The goal was to leverage patient-reported outcomes and natural language processing to assist a patient through each treatment of their cancer care to make sure that they do not slip through the cracks and ensure every patient of Emma receives the best care possible.  


During cancer treatment, side effects are common and have been well documented. However, as a patient going through treatment differentiating normal side effects from treatment complications can be very challenging. Our research team has been working very hard to develop technology to empower patients by incorporating the following technologies: 

  1. We are developing an A.I. assistant that is trained to track the patient’s symptoms depending on the treatment.

  2. We are harnessing patient-reported outcome big data to determine what defines normal patient response and recovery for each particular type of cancer treatment.

  3. Lastly, we are developing A.I. technology to determine if a patient’s response to treatment is normal or if they should seek medical attention.

By leveraging the power of big data patient-reported outcomes in an accessible manner, cancer patients will be able to be better informed at each step along with their treatment. This will reduce the number of unnecessary phone calls/appointments of patients dealing with typical symptoms while preventing patients from slipping through the cracks and not receiving care for treatment complications that might be misinterpreted by the patient recovering from home. At the end of the day, we are striving to deliver a product that can improve patient outcomes, and help guide patients through the most challenging battle of their life, cancer.


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